Thursday, May 16, 2013

Start Today; Revel a Bit Next Year

“A year from now, you will wish you had started today.” –Karen Lamb

For a few years, it was merely something I talked about doing.  Along the way, I crafted a vision board centered upon its key concepts (Yes, that's it (in part) above.).  As time passed, several subsequent art journal collages were created around it, too. Beyond these actions, though, that’s where my dream of writing a second book stayed—within the realm of “someday.”  My first book?  It was written in 2006; self-published in 2010.  Feel free to check it out here

Last July, I began putting pen to paper in an effort to hone in on my second book’s concept and sketch out a first draft outline.  Thereafter, things stalled a bit.  By the top of this year, however, I felt I was back on track—even though I was moving very slowly.  

Fast forwarding a few months ahead... I’m now working with a coach to finalize my book’s proposal.  No, I’m not there yet, and it’s been a long journey—one, I am sure, will extend beyond the proposal’s finalization as well (actually getting published is a whole other trip...).

Looking back, I’m glad I started a year ago.  Even if I’m still working to get this book published a year from now, I’m further down the path than I was at any time before now. In this regard, there are no regrets.

What project are you most happy you began working on?  Would love to hear about it! 

Joy, peace and happy “little Friday!”  T.