Monday, January 21, 2013

Dreams: On Taking the First Step...

"Take the first step in faith.  You don't have to see the whole staircase.  
Just take the first step." --Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The pic above was taken about a year and a half ago.  At that time, I, myself, had already spent a few months taking a series of slow, deliberate steps.  All of which were dedicated to getting this blog launched.  In fact, it took me a few more months (beyond that point) of slowly plodding along before my blogging dream actually became a reality. 

Yes, it took me a while to climb those "stairs;" perhaps, longer than most.  At times, I couldn't see where I was headed (in other words, I couldn't see the figurative staircase as a whole).  Nevertheless, it was in taking those steps (one at a time) that I finally reached the top (so to speak...).  On March 5, I'll have marked the blog's first full year in existence.

Today, I'm enjoying a sacred day off from work.  I plan on spending a good deal of it in bed--reading.  Some of my time, however, will be spent in taking those first, faithful steps toward realizing another dream of mine: working on my book + crafting a book proposal.   This, too, has been a long, step-by-step process--one which requires me to understand the staircase is there--whether I see it yet or not.  At this point, I only need to trust that fact and keep moving forward.

Joy, peace and a reflective MLK holiday to you, T.