Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Day Off=Me, Reflecting about the Blog...

A scene from my bed...yesterday afternoon

It's not often that I'm at home, versus work, on a Monday (during daytime hours). Yesterday, I was, though. Accordingly, I did my best to accomplish a few writing "to do's," while also mixing in a bit of fun (a.k.a reading in bed)...

Currently, I'm enjoying (and, learning scads) from Britt Bravo's Juicy Blogging e-course.  Amidst my delicious reading in bed, yesterday, I decided to pull out my growth journal, and reflect on a few questions that were posed as part of the e-course's weekly assignment.  I wanted to share a few of these questions--as well as my responses...

Why do I blog? I blog in order to share my message of self-celebration to other women, inspire others, have an outlet for creative expression in written form, build a community of women traveling the same path I am, and hone my writing skills.

What are my blogging goals? My blogging goals are to become a better writer, build my blog's readership, and build a community of like-minded women.

Who are my ideal blog readers? women (age 20+), who seek additional personal growth, inspiration and fulfillment.

How does my blog fulfill my readers' needs? My blog serves as a place where readers can get inspired, relate to the concepts/views shared, explore new ideas, share their own insights, and gather to celebrate themselves.

Who are three real people symbolizing my idea readership? Who comes to mind are three actual readers that comment frequently on the blog. These women are insightful, creative, generate new thoughts/ideas and represent an age span of 20-50 (any age is welcome, though!).

Fellow (or even aspiring) bloggers, these are insightful questions to ponder.  This reflective exercise served to strengthen my sense of why I blog and what I blog about.  It's one I highly recommend!

Please let me know...  Am I fulfilling your needs as a reader of this blog?  Share your thoughts with me!

Joy & peace & a Happy Tuesday, All!  T.