Wednesday, September 26, 2012

My Growth Journal: What it is. How it's used.

Ta da! Presenting my lovely growth journal!

I heart my growth journal just like I do my writing journal and art journal!  Suppose I'd best explain myself a bit--define what a growth journal is and how I use it, huh?  ;)

Be it good or be it bad, there's still a bit of the "Type J" personality I possess that is firmly planted and here to stay (smile).  I like to organize, categorize, etc.  For me, this works.  Perhaps not as much for others, but this enables me to process my thoughts in a more logical way.  As a result, I wanted to share my growth journal concept in the event others found it useful as well.

My writing journal is where I pour my heart and soul out onto each page.  See past posts about my writing journal here, here, here and here.

My art journal has become a comfort book I refer to again and again.  I plan there, hone concepts I first wrote about in my writing journal and/or growth journal.  Memorialize events.  Note and track my monthly goals in artistic form...  See past posts about my art journal here, here, here, here and here.

Regarding my growth journal... My growth journal is somewhat of a glorified note-taking book.  It accompanies me to workshops, women's retreats, lectures, etc., that I attend.  I also use it to record thoughts when participating in tele classes, informational podcasts, e-courses--you name it!  I even utilize it to take notes when reading or completing exercises contained within a personal development book.

Often, my growth journal is used in conjunction with my writing and art journals.  For example, I may further reflect on an idea gleaned from a workshop I attended in my writing journal or excerpt key concepts from a podcast and carry them forward into my art journal (after first noting said pieces in my growth journal).

One of my earlier growth journals (It's all filled up now!)

Do you also utilize a growth journal?  I'd love to hear your thoughts on this!  Happy Wednesday, T.